Today as I was getting ready to go to the gym, I smiled as I high fived myself in the mirror. I could not help but to reflect beyond the mirror. These days I go to the gym au naturel. That’s progress at the soul level.
Let me share a couple of stories. The first one goes way back to the very first time I went canoeing. My disclaimer is that I had never been canoeing. All I knew was that I wanted to look cute doing it. So, in preparation, I ironed my white sleeveless DRESS shirt and olive green skorts. I styled my hair applied my make-up (yes make-up!) I put on my brand-new WHITE CANVAS Keds® (I told you this story goes way back!) and completely forgot sunscreen. There might have been a guy I was trying to impress- maybe. My now husband often tells me I lack the self-survival gene. The subsequent sunburn that left me leaving pieces of skin everywhere that I walked would support his theory.
Fast forward about ten years. I was mowing my massive lawn in the heat of the day in the hot Texas sun (mid-summer) when I ran over a brick. My neighbor and bestie came to my rescue. The first words that she spoke to me were, “Are you wearing make-up? Are you actually mowing the lawn wearing make-up? Who gets dressed up to mow the lawn?” Well, me. I did.
I never went anywhere without getting dressed up. Not even outside to mow.
The thing is I was always so afraid of what everyone would think of the real me. I always wanted to show up as my best. There is nothing wrong with that, but the truth was I was hiding behind that make-up. It wasn’t everybody else that was judging me. I was judging myself. I was insecure. I felt like JUST ME was not good enough.
At one time or another, we all hide parts of us (our most insecure parts) behind something. Alcohol. Productivity. Workaholism. Extremism. Fear.
What I have come to realize is that no one is thinking about me/you anyways. They are too busy thinking about their own stuff. When we are hiding behind our security blankets (whatever they may be) we are only hiding from the work that we need to do on ourselves in order to emerge from them confident, bold, and ready to kick ass and take names.
I have been doing that work on myself for years now. Trust me when I say I was above average in the needs a little work department. I have walked through literal fire TWICE and I am damn proud of it.
The key to being able to emerge is to first recognize that you are hiding, what you are hiding, and what/who you are hiding from. Most often it is quite simply the truth that we know but aren’t ready to accept or deal with.
What is your deepest truth?
Isn’t it crazy to think that make-up can cover all of that?
So, yes the reflection in the mirror this morning was one of victory. When I walk into the gym with no make-up, I do so with complete confidence and absolutely nothing to hide. I love the bare skin that I am in.
Until Next Time,